Fluffy feel-good hoodie with a subtle peacesnake print.
The shipping costs are added to the value of the goods in the shopping cart. You will be informed of the shipment via a tracking email. Please use the shipment tracking to ensure that your order arrives without any problems. If you do not receive the email, please check your spam folder.
DHL Standard GoGreen (2-4 working days) 4.99 €
DHL Standard GoGreen (2-8 working days) 12.99 €
DHL Standard GoGreen (2-10 working days) 26.99 €
DHL Standard GoGreen (2-10 working days) 45.99 €
Customs and additional fees may apply for shipping to countries outside the EU. Please contact the relevant authority in your country for further information. Please also note that for customs reasons we cannot accept orders from outside the EU with a purchase value of more than 1000€.
If you would like to try a different size, color or model, please place a new order in our online shop.
What do I need to consider?
We reserve the right to return items that are not in the stated condition at the customer's expense.
In the following cases please inform and contact our customer support ethicalsportswear@ohohom.com :
If you would like to try a different size, color or model, please place a new order in our online shop.
For a return, please send us your item with tracking at your own expense:
Hansenlogistic – Baack + Hansen GbR
c/o OH OH OM ethical sportswear
Borsteler Chaussee 85-99a
House 15
22453 Hamburg
To ensure that your return is processed smoothly, please enclose the delivery note with your return. As soon as we receive your return, the purchase amount will be refunded to you.
For returns from non-EU countries, the invoice must be attached to the outside and the package must be marked with the word "Return" (handwritten is sufficient). Otherwise, import duties may apply.
We reserve the right to return items that are not in the stated condition at the customer's expense.
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